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Co-innovation of frontier technology, alliance transformation set the standard China Pharmaceutical University -- ACCURATE Joint Organoid Laboratory was inaugurated.

On August 27, 2022, the opening ceremony of China Pharmaceutical University - Guangzhou ACCURATE International Organoid Joint Laboratory and the signing ceremony of ACCURATE International Professional Degree Graduate Student Practice Base was held in Nanjing. Kong Lingyi, Vice President of China Pharmaceutical University, Li Zhiyu, Director of Science and Technology Department, Xu Shuhong, Secretary of Party Committee of School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy, Yang Yong, Dean of School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy, Hu Rong, Vice Dean of School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy, Qiang Lei, Vice Dean of School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy, Huang Min, Chairman of the board of Directors and Zhu Zi, Vice President of Research and Development of ACCURATE Guangzhou Co., LTD., and representatives of Jiangsu ChiaTai Tianqing, Nanjing Robotrak, Nanjing TransThera, Jiangsu Aosaikang, Sanhome Pharmaceutical, Nanjing GeneLeap Biotech, Jiangsu CHAODIA, Nanjing COMTRUE Pharmaceutical, Nanjing ChiaTai Tianqing, Simsere Pharmaceutical, Guangzhou BT Gillion and other enterprises attended the ceremony.


The ceremony was presided over by Yang Yong, director of China Pharmaceutical University-Guangzhou ACCURATE International Joint Laboratory of Organoids and Dean of School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy. Professor Yang briefly reviewed the reasons for the establishment of the International Joint Laboratory of Organoids at China Pharmaceutical University: Under the background of national encouragement of innovative drugs and GCP's release of the Guiding Principles for Clinical Research and Development of Clinical Value-Oriented Antitumor drugs, the model of drug research and development has changed. Professor Yang hopes to promote the development of innovative drugs by combining the resources of universities and enterprises through the platform of China Pharmaceutical University - ACCURATE International Organoid Joint Laboratory.


In his speech, Kong Lingyi, Vice President of China Pharmaceutical University (CPU), congratulated on the opening of CPU - Guangzhou ACCURATE International Joint Organoid Laboratory. He said that in recent years, organoid technology has developed rapidly in drug research and development, disease modeling, precision medicine, regenerative medicine and other fields, and national policies have given more and more attention and support to organoid models. Recently, the US FDA also for the first time based on the safety data of drugs on the market and the preclinical efficacy data based on the human organ chip. Officially approved the new indication for the therapy to enter clinical trials. Therefore, organoid technology has shown great application value and development prospect in the fields of future basic research and disease research. As the only 211 university in the field of pharmacy in China, China Pharmaceutical University has witnessed rapid development in its basic research capacity in recent years. However, in terms of new drug creation, it still needs to complement the advantages of the drug research and development capability and market development capability of enterprises. As the innovation platform and transformation base of organoid technology, the construction of the joint laboratory will be strongly supported by China Pharmaceutical University. It will provide a platform for universities and pharmaceutical enterprises to empower each other and make greater contributions to the development of China's pharmaceutical industry.


Organoid models make up for the shortcomings of traditional cell lines and animal models, and are revolutionary biological models for innovative drug development, said Huang Min, president of ACCURATE International Biotech Guangzhou Co., LTD. It is hoped that through the organoid joint laboratory platform jointly built by China Pharmaceutical University and ACCURATE International, entrepreneurs and scientists can carry out more exchanges and interactions, jointly discuss the newdirection of new drug research and development, and bring more important strategic significance to how organoids can better help the research and development of drug enterprises and innovative drugs, so as to realize the corner overtaking in the innovative drug track. Under the leadership of high-level experts, the joint laboratory will continue to forge ahead and establish a global leading standardized, intelligent and large-scale platform for the research and development of new organoids.


Subsequently, Mr. Kong Lingyi, Vice President of China Pharmaceutical University, and Ms. Huang Min, president of ACCURATE International Biotechnology (Guangzhou) Co., LTD., on behalf of both parties, inaugurated the Organoid Joint Laboratory of China Pharmaceutical University - ACCURATE International, marking the official establishment and operation of the joint laboratory jointly built by China Pharmaceutical University and ACCURATE. It also means that the comprehensive cooperation between the pharmaceutical University and ACCURATE has entered the substantial construction stage.


Under the witness of the participants, the signing ceremony was held at the graduate Practice Base of the International Professional Degree. Yang Yong, Dean of the School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy of China Pharmaceutical University, and Zhu Yu, Vice President of R&D of ACCURATE International Biotechnology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. signed the agreement on behalf of the partners.


Afterwards, Dr. Chen Zexin, Director of Research and Development of ACCURATE International, introduced the launch plan of the joint organoid laboratory in detail. The joint laboratory will establish a global leading platform for the research and development of new organoids, establish a complete organoid bank and big data center, establish standards for the research and development of new organoids, and establish an alliance for the research and development, innovation and application of organoids.


In the following academic salon session, Professor Fan Xiangshan (Figure 1), director of the Department of Pathology, Gulou Hospital Affiliated to the School of Medicine of Nanjing University, shared the clinical and pre-clinical application of tumor organoid technology based on practical experience, including replication of disease models, exploration of pathogenic mechanisms, drug screening, etc. Dr. Lan Jianqiang (Figure 2), Director of ACCURATE International R&D, introduced the New Drug R&D platform and PDO database. Six application scenarios of organoid in drug preclinical efficacy evaluation, feasibility evaluation of new drug indications, risk management and pharmacovigilance of drug advance designation, drug toxicology and safety evaluation, drug preclinical precise positioning and auxiliary clinical design, and determination of marketed drug combination scheme were introduced in detail. Finally, President Yang Yong (Figure 3) made a summary of the conference.


Professor Fan Xiangshan , director of the Department of Pathology, Gulou Hospital Affiliated to the School of Medicine of Nanjing University


Lan Jianqiang , Director of ACCURATE International R&D


Yang Yong, Dean of the School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy of China Pharmaceutical University

Based in Nanjing and radiating to the Yangtze River Delta, China Pharmaceutical University - Guangzhou ACCURATE International Organoid Joint Laboratory has laid the foundation for the establishment of long-term and stable cooperative relationship between the two sides. It is an active exploration of complementary advantages and collaborative development of all parties, which is conducive to the integration of the university's discipline, technology and human resources, as well as the organoid technology platform and large database resources of ACCURATE. As well as the R&D and industrial resources of pharmaceutical companies, the latest research results based on organoid technology will be transformed into products and services, from the laboratory to the clinical, to the market, and further promote the speed of new drug research and development, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the medical field, for the benefit of human health!

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