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Independent Clinical Laboratory

Clinical Service

Provides accurate drug response results to assist oncologists selecting the most appropriate therapeutic regimes from standard-of-care drugs within the therapeutic time window. Thereby provides scientific data supporting clinical decision-making recommendation for oncologists and increases the survival chance of patients.
BUDcare® Patient-Derived Tumor Organoid Drug Sensitivity Test Service
It is a clinical diagnostic service that efficiently and accurately guide cancer patients to the most effective approved anti-tumor drug regimens. This service includes follow steps: 1) starting with in vitro culture and expand of tumor organoid using patient-derived tumor tissue or cancer associated malignant effusions; 2) obtaining drug sensitivity data through anti-tumor drug screening assay; 3) providing a scientific report to help clinicians provide tailored therapeutic regimen for patients.
BUDhealth® Patient-Derived Tumor Organoid Drug Sensitivity Test & NGS Service
This service combines the PDTO drug screening results and NGS data, and provides scientific references from different dimensions to assist clinicians setting up individualized treatment strategies.
Insurance Services
ACCURATE collaborates with several well-known insurance companies to provide insurance services include Patient-Derived Tumor Organoid Drug Sensitivity Test Service.
Clinical Cases
What is‘drug sensitivity’?
Drug sensitivity refers to the efficiency of anti-tumor drug against tumor cells, the higher sensitivity, the better effect of the anti-tumor treatment.
Why is PDTO suitable for anti-cancer drug sensitivity test?
PDTO are assumed to be equivalent to micro-tumors of patient in vitro. It recapitulates the unique characteristics and heterogeneity of the tumor tissue of patient, therefore the drug response scores obtained from this in vitro drug screening test represents the clinical outcome in reality.
Who will benefit from the PDTO Drug Sensitivity Test service?
This service is able to test anti-cancer drugs for cancer patient in different stages and help clinicians and their patients to make the most appropriate treatment decision for their unique cancer within the therapeutic time window.
Are there any risks in generating tumor organoid model?
The samples required to generate tumor organoid model are all derived from the routine clinical treatment process, which is seamlessly integrated with the treatment process without additional invasive operations, so there is no additive risk for patient self.
Which drugs can be examined by the PDTO drug sensitivity test?
The drug library of ACCURATE includes more than 200 anti-tumor drugs that have been approved by FDA or CDE, including: conventional chemotherapy drugs (cytotoxic drugs); small-molecule targeted drugs (tinibs); some large-molecule monoclonal antibodies such as rituximab and cetuximab; and for special need of specific drug, we will meet the need upon the recommendation of clinicians if necessary. In addition, combination therapeutic regimens include both chemotherapy and targeted drugs could also be applied for drug screening.
Is it still necessary to perform PDTO drug sensitivity test, when I have already done the NGS test?
PDTO drug sensitivity test selects the most effective drug of potential therapeutic drugs founded NGS. In addition, PDTO drug sensitivity test satisfies the unmet needs of NGS, allows screening of chemotherapy and combination therapy.
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